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Showing posts from March 19, 2017


"Nessuno  trova pace sottraendosi a se..." (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) by Angela Schlafmutze INTRODUCTION Although Virginia is known for her feminist attitude, somewhere she does not believe in male dominating patriarchal society. But there were some conditions which were not under her control and consequently directly or indirectly she became the victim of gender discrimination. DISCRIMINATING PARENTS Although Woolf's father Sir Leslie Stephen was eminence as an editor, critic and biographic in Dictionary of national biography there was an atmosphere of victorious literary society. But education could not change their attitude towards female education – "Julia was quite opposed to his men or female education." (Lee 100) Julia the second wife of Leslie Stephan believed that education is not for females, she believed that if they really want to get educated, they can get it in house spending money in Howard and Cambridge especially for girls i...