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" Virginia Woolf / Through the Looking Gla" (CC BY-SA 2.0) by Christiaan Tonnis INTRODUCTION  “She engaged with courage and painful honesty in the extremely difficult work of understanding the meaning of her childhood.”  (Lee 126) People usually find the memories of childhood as a beautiful souvenir of life, but for Woolf it is the life threatening experience full of horrible moments. Still she showed courage and painful honesty while revealing the real meaning of her past experiences with childhood. FEAR OF LOOSING NEAR & DEAR ONE Death was the painful horrible content which was unintentionally lying in almost all of her novels. The content of her books were dominated by this experience of loosing someone. The reason is quite simple because she faced the experience of losing her near and dear ones since her childhood, whether it’s about her mother, father or her siblings. This is the reason why unintentionally Woolf discussed about death in her...


" Is it just me or could Virginia Woolf be"(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) by olvado INTRODUCTION  VIRGINIA WOOLF belongs to Modern Age, which starts from 1901 to 1960. This age is also called Age of Anxiety. Due to wars, deaths, sufferings, mental tensions the author's literary works has also got affected. Virginia is not only the example for these sufferings. There is a long list of authors (Indian authors too) who faced the same problems of that Era. In this post we' ll put a brief glance on authors, whether they are foreign English or Indians who have almost same style of writing focussing the themes of Psychoanalysis, Feminism, Androgyny, Depression, Autobiographical content, Time &Timelessness, Interior Monologue, Symbolism, Imagiasm, Theory of Thanatos, War Fare etc.  MAJOR NOVELISTS OF MODERN AGE A. Foreign novelists : 1. D.H. Lawrence  2. James Joyce  3. Dorothy Richardson  4. Somerset Maugham 5. H. W. WELLS  6. Joseph Conr...


"Fame: Schizophrenia" (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) by Isabelle Anne INTRODUCTION “She talked almost without stopping for two or three days, paying no attention to any in the room or anything said to her...then gradually it became completely incoherent a mere jumble of dissociated words”.  (Manamy) The above lines have been mentioned Virginia’s early stages of mania by her husband Leonard Woolf. Before describing her manic depressive psychosis and her tragic end, it is essential to know that why this illness was bound to come upon her? Is this natural or occurred due to terrible consequences of life?  What has happened in her life? Why she has not met the natural death and committed suicide by leaving a suicidal note to her husband. These questions can only be justified when one can read her life through the lens of Psychoanalysis. This post deals with the scenarios and conditions which influenced and made Woolf’s mind to use the lens of Psychoanalysis in her novels. ...


"Nessuno  trova pace sottraendosi a se..." (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) by Angela Schlafmutze INTRODUCTION Although Virginia is known for her feminist attitude, somewhere she does not believe in male dominating patriarchal society. But there were some conditions which were not under her control and consequently directly or indirectly she became the victim of gender discrimination. DISCRIMINATING PARENTS Although Woolf's father Sir Leslie Stephen was eminence as an editor, critic and biographic in Dictionary of national biography there was an atmosphere of victorious literary society. But education could not change their attitude towards female education – "Julia was quite opposed to his men or female education." (Lee 100) Julia the second wife of Leslie Stephan believed that education is not for females, she believed that if they really want to get educated, they can get it in house spending money in Howard and Cambridge especially for girls i...


Virginia Woolf was an essayist, publisher, critique but more than that she was a great novelist who advanced the frontiers of the English novel by adopting a revolutionary technique for the expression of her vision of life and human nature. She is considered to be one of the leading figures of modernist literature of the twentieth century who used the stream of consciousness technique to get close to the mind of the characters and expressed exactly the impact of life on their personality. It is difficult to assess from her terrific style of writing that she has never ever been to school and got her whole education from her parents only. Her unique style of writing novels was never dependent on focusing on characterizations, plot constructions, subjectivity, tragedy, comedy, and romance as well as love interest as in the traditional novels. Instead of these characteristics she focused more on representing the inner self of the characters, analysed their psychological mind ...


DO THEY HAVE AN AFFAIR ? Does Virginia Woolf has a love affair with her close friend Vita Sackville West? The answer is yes. they have, not from the very first day but with the passage of time. They initially met in year 1922 in a dinner party as both were the members of Bohemian Bloomsbury set (Its a group of people of modern age who live their lives with their own wish, unconventional, usually artistic, lives. They were basically supporters or followers of Bloomsbury Group) and gradually they fell in love, liked each others company, spent quality time together and this love lasted for number of years. Although for vita, Virginia was not her first love. She has had many affairs before meeting her. WHO WAS VITA SACKVILLE WEST ? Vita Sackville West, was an English poet and a successful prolific novelist. Her first love  was Rosamund who was four years elder than her. She wrote for Rosamund in her diary that "I love her so much". Their secret love relationship ended ...


"8_6_Woolf" (CC BY 2.0) by Hackley Public Library Virginia Woolf is undoubtedly a prolific writer who has produced large amount of quality work. Here is a collection of some of her famous quotes from various books. "I thought how unpleasant it is to be locked out; and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in." - Virginia Woolf "I want to write a novel about Silence, "he said; "the things people don't say". -Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out "I feel so intensely the delights of shutting oneself up in a little world of one's own, with pictures and music and everything beautiful. " -Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out "Anyone who's worth anything reads just what he likes, as the mood takes him, and with extravagant enthusiasm. " - Virginia Woolf, Jacob's Room “They all dreamt of each other that night, as was natural, considering how thin the partitions were between them, and how stra...


"Isolation" (CC BY-NC 2.0) by Pulpolux !!! INTRODUCTION Woolf never found her safe and secured since her childhood reasons may be many, sometimes the serial deaths sexual abuse by her step brother, depression, mood swings, and fear of death. There can be endless reasons to proof her madness and insecurity and the effect of all these traumas can be seen in her literary works too. ISOLATION AND MRS DALLOWAY Likewise the Theme of Isolation can be seen in her major novels, whether it’s Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse or any other novel of her. For example in Mrs. Dalloway it can be seen from the start that she always found her Isolated, when she said that it is very, very difficult to live even one day. She expresses her inner consciousness which was full of insecurities she considers her old friend Peter, who has failed to fulfill the dreams of her youth. As Clarissa ages, she finds it more difficult to know everybody, which makes her feel solitary; she...


INTRODUCTION Sigmund Freud initially described in his book Beyond the Pleasure   Principle that “the goal of all life is death”  (Cherry)  He has observed that, "After people experience a traumatic event (such as war), they often re-enact the experience. He concluded that people hold an unconscious desire to die, but that this wish is largely tempered by the life instincts."  (Cherry) Freud's view says that self deteriorating and destructive behavior is an expression of the energy which is built by the death instincts. When this energy is directed outward onto others, it is expressed as aggression and violence. Thanatos is a concept, in which the person feels that he or she can get rid of all this sorrows only by death. This urge for death exists in every person’s inner consciousness many people feel that there is no death instinct in their personality because somewhere their life instance is very strong. Sometimes person has more desire for d...


"male/female face" (CC BY-SA 2.0) by sirexkat ANDROGYNY Androgyny is the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics.                             Ander Gyne                                                 +                              Man Woman NOVELISTS WRITTEN ON ANDROGYNOUS THEME There are so many novelists who have written their novels on the theme of Androgyny. Like example, Nancy Garden's – Annie on My Mind, Julie Anne Peters – Keeping You a Secret, Jeanette Winterson's – Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, Alice Walker's – The Color Purple, Michael Cunningham's – The Hours, Virginia Woolf's – Mrs. Dalloway, Orlando. HATERS AND SUPPORTERS OF THE CONCEPT ON ANDROGYNY  Woolf in...


INTRODUCTION In Freudian Theory: "The complex of emotions aroused in a young child, typically around the age of four, by an unconscious sexual desire for the parent of the opposite sex and wishes to exclude the parent of the same sex. The term was originally applied to boys, the equivalent in girls being called the Electra complex."  (Schuller) Freud's theory of Oedipus complex has become a major theme for various renowned English novelists like example: - D.H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers, Shakespeare's Hamlet, Eugene O'Neill's Desire Under the Elms, Sophocles’s Oedipus the King  and last but not the least Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse, Orlando etc. Another thing apart from all the literary techniques, which caught attention while reading To the Lighthouse is the language that Virginia uses to describe James and her mother Mrs. Ramsay’s relationship. One can easily forget that James is Mrs. Ramsay's six year old son and think ...